Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Images from Dylon's MRI

I find these images of Dylon's MRI pretty interesting. We finally recieved the images today and I have been debating on posting them on here or not but I don't see what it could hurt. The images show the significant narrowing in his aorta and the unattached subclavian artery to his left arm. It's just amazing how special this little man's heart is. Today we had an interview with a local newspaper Andalusia Star News and they interviewed me and Dylon at the park. The reporter asked Dylon a few questions and took some photo's and videos of him. At one point she asked him, "so tell me about your heart" and Dylon replied "I have a special heart, God made my heart special." It took all I could not to just start crying. What an Awesome kid and what a MIGHTY GOD.
He will be in the paper tomorrow so check it out.
We are still taking donations and have been recieving some too. Thank you to Mrs. Nesmith who drove 2 hours to meet me and my family to give us a bunch of really nice things for the yard sale. It was so nice to meet you...I took a pic of us and the loaded down van with my phone and have no idea how to upload it onto the computer...sorry.
I am still waiting to get the write up from the Caridologist and hope to get that this week too!


Dave and Mandi said...

Loved the front page article and that sweet little boy!!

rita said...

My daughter was born 26 years ago with complex congenital heart disease. She had her surgeries 26 and 20 years ago at Texas Children's in Houston. Since then she has had several other heart procedures including 6 stents.
She left home when she was 18 to attend college in Austin. She graduated from that and then went on to Houston to attend graduate school. While in Houston she lived right in the medical center area.
Last summer she moved to Alabama where she works in hospital administration.
If you have not joined pdheart it is a great place for info and support. The web site is If you would like to check out my daughter's web page it is
Your boys are so adorable. I hope and pray that all goes well.

Carrie said...

I am praying for you and your family. It will be tough, but God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I have already been through 2 surgeries with my son. He was on VA-ECMO (heart/lung bypass) as a newborn for 10 days. Those hospital days were the toughest, but we made it through stronger people. Let me know if there is anything you need.

The Pifer's said...

I am praying for your family!!!!!! I hope it's ok if I follow so that I can keep up with any prayer request your family might need. Feel free to stop by my blog anytime, I love getting to know bloggy friends :)

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